Cleveland Vehicular Homicide Lawyer

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Cleveland Vehicular Homicide Attorney

Not all forms of homicide are premeditated. Ohio’s criminal justice system criminalizes certain types of fatal car collisions when the at-fault driver demonstrates serious negligence or misconduct. If you are charged with vehicular homicide, you need the services of a Cleveland vehicular homicide lawyer who can defend your rights in court and gather evidence that shows you did not intend to cause the fatal accident.

Fortress Law Group, LLC, has defended many clients who were arrested following a fatal car collision. We understand the criminal justice system and how to help clients receive a favorable outcome to their case.

Cleveland Vehicular Homicide Lawyer

Why Trust Fortress Law Group, LLC

At Fortress Law Group, LLC, we recognize the gravity of vehicular homicide charges in Ohio. This crime that involves causing the death of another person through reckless or negligent driving carries severe penalties. Our experienced team is dedicated to defending your rights and working towards the most favorable outcome, whether that means reducing charges or securing a favorable plea deal.

We are committed to supporting you through this challenging time and understanding how such cases can impact your life. With a track record of handling complex cases, we have the knowledge and experience to craft an effective defense strategy tailored to your situation. Let us help you navigate the legal process and aim for the most favorable resolution.

Common Types of Vehicular Homicide

Many people are aware of wrongful deaths that allow surviving loved ones to sue the at-fault driver through the civil courts. In some cases, those types of accidents can be prosecuted as serious crimes in Ohio’s criminal courts.

In Ohio, vehicular homicide occurs when someone causes another person’s death or unlawfully terminates a pregnancy through dangerous driving. This can include offenses like drunk driving, reckless or negligent driving, or speeding in construction zones. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the fatal accident, drivers can generally be charged with three offenses that can range from a misdemeanor to a felony charge.

  • Aggravated vehicular homicide: When a driver is intoxicated at the time they cause a fatal crash, they can be charged with aggravated vehicular homicide. Other aggravating circumstances could include multiple prior convictions or causing a fatal collision at a construction site. A conviction can lead to a mandatory prison term.
  • Vehicular homicide: This charge can be brought as a felony or misdemeanor with penalties including possible prison time or jail time and license suspensions. Reckless driving or speeding can lead to a charge of vehicular homicide.
  • Vehicular manslaughter: This is generally a misdemeanor but can become more serious with prior offenses or license issues. Running a red light and causing a fatal crash could be one cause of this type of criminal charge.

No matter what type of charge you are given, a vehicular homicide attorney can help you avoid the worst criminal penalties under the law. Factors such as not having a prior criminal record or the potential contributions of other factors that led to the collision can help your case by undermining the criminality of your actions.

Potential Criminal Defense Strategies for Vehicular Homicide

Being charged with a crime in Cleveland, Ohio, does not mean that you committed the offense. Your attorney can challenge the evidence being used to say that you were driving recklessly leading up to the collision. Without the element of negligent driving or misconduct, the death would be the result of an unfortunate accident that you did not mean to cause.

Your lawyer can use evidence to show that your actions were within the bounds of reasonable driving under the circumstances. Vehicular homicide cases often require prosecutors to prove that your actions were done with a willful disregard for the safety of others. Other factors may have played a role in causing the accident, such as road conditions or the actions of other drivers. Proving that these factors played a significant role can help shift focus away from the defendant.

Expert testimony may be needed to explain how the accident happened. Their insights can help clarify complex aspects of the case and strengthen your argument. In some cases, new evidence can lead to a reduction in the crime you are charged with. Mitigating circumstances can also lead to a favorable plea bargain offer that allows you to move on with your life without having to worry about serving the worst penalties.


Q: What Is the Typical Sentence for Vehicular Homicide in Ohio?

A: The typical sentence of vehicular homicide ranges greatly and could include something as light as a fine or a more serious penalty like jail or prison time. A felony conviction could potentially lead to multiple years in prison. The outcome of your case will largely depend on the quality of legal representation you have throughout your case

Q: What Are Aggravating Factors for Vehicular Homicide?

Q: What Is the Sentence for Involuntary Manslaughter in Ohio?

Q: How Severe Is Involuntary Manslaughter?

Schedule Your Cleveland Vehicular Homicide Consultation Today

An unfortunate car collision should lead to a serious criminal conviction. By allowing your attorney to scrutinize the evidence presented by the prosecution, you may be able to resolve your case without having to live with a serious felony on your record.

At Fortress Law Group, our lawyer understands Ohio’s vehicular homicide laws. We have helped many clients resolve their cases under favorable terms, and we can do the same for you. To schedule your consultation, please contact our office online today.