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11th District Criminal Appeals Update – Pants On Fire Edition

After a few weeks with nothing more that late and dismissed appeals, attempts to withdraw pleas, and other minor issues, we get…

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11th District Court of Appeals

Opinions always slow down for a few weeks after a big quarterly release.  They’re starting to dribble back in this week, but it’s still…

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FBI Flunks Science

Donald Eugene Gates was convicted of murder in 1982, based in part on the testimony of an FBI forensic analyst who claimed…

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11th District Court of Appeals Candidates

Another big pile this week and I need to color me some Easter eggs, so today’s summaries are quick. State v.…

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Judge of the Court of Appeals 11th District Candidates

Another big group this week, but a bunch involved pro se appellants who either missed a deadline or messed up the paperwork.…

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11th Willoughby District Criminal Appeals Update

Must be quarterly release day – we’ve got a couple dozen new opinions, about a dozen of them in criminal cases.…

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