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11th District Criminal Case Update

Ohio’s 11th District Court of Appeals released opinions in a few criminal cases and one juvenile court case: State v. Campbell,…

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Your Car Accident Attorney In Phoenix Can Help Establish Negligence

If you are involved in a car accident in Phoenix, Arizona, it is important to know what will transpire. Quite often,…

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Getting Pulled Over

Today’s guest blog post comes courtesy of New York traffic and DUI attorney Zev Goldstein, with some tips on how to…

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They Didn’t Read Me My Rights! Should My Case Be Dismissed?

It is true that a police officer must read you your Miranda rights before he or she interrogates you.  You do…

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Kasich Wants You To Pay A Misery Tax On Legal Fees

Governor Kasich has proposed a 5% sales tax on legal services, saying that they are “non-essential.”  Ignoring for a moment the…

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What Happens If An Ohio Resident Is Charged With A Crime Or Traffic Violation In New York.

How many of us have headed East for vacation and zoned out on I-90 in New York, forgetting to keep an…

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