Cleveland Violent Crime Lawyer

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Cleveland Violent Crime Attorney

An accusation of a violent crime can bring serious consequences. Violent crimes have penalties that can not only be legal, but personal and professional. If you are charged with a violent crime, it is important to seek the help of a Cleveland violent crime lawyer as soon as possible. A Cleveland criminal defense attorney can help you understand the charges against you and fight for your rights.

Cleveland Violent Crime Lawyer

Why Choose Us?

At Fortress Law Group, LLC, we understand how serious a violent crime accusation can be. We have handled hundreds of cases in Ohio, many of them defending those accused of violent crimes. We can review the details of your case and ensure that your rights have been protected through the process. We can fight for you during the legal process, so you don’t have to go through this alone.

What Is a Violent Crime?

A violent crime is an action where one person uses force against another person or threatens to use force against that person. They involve physical harm or threat of such to another. Therefore, physical harm is not necessarily required for a person to be charged with a violent crime.

For instance, a person can be charged with a violent crime if they physically hit another person. However, they can also be charged with a violent crime if they threaten to punch someone in the face in order to commit another crime, such as carjacking.

Examples of Violent Crimes

Many violent crimes in Cleveland are considered felonies because of the nature of the crime. Some examples of violent crimes include:

  • Rape. This is the forced, non-consensual act of sexual intercourse inflicted on an unwilling participant. This is usually achieved by force or coercion.
  • Murder. This is the intentional and unlawful act of killing another person. Murder is usually classified into different degrees depending on the nature and premeditation of the offender.
  • Assault. This is the act of intentionally causing fear of immediate harm in another person. It does not necessarily involve physical contact; the threat of violence alone can be considered assault.
  • Aggravated assault. This is a more serious form of assault, which can include the use of a weapon or some other intent to cause serious bodily harm. No matter how the harm is inflicted, aggravated assault usually results in intense bodily harm and has harsher penalties than assault.
  • Domestic violence. This is abuse committed by one partner against the other in a close connection, such as marriage, a dating relationship, a family member, or a cohabitant. This might involve sexual, psychological, emotional, or physical abuse.

Penalties for Violent Crimes

Most violent offenses are classified as felonies. These crimes frequently have harsh penalties. If a weapon is used, the punishments are considerably more severe because weapons typically carry a far higher risk of injury.

In general, people found guilty of violent crimes may be subject to standard punishments, but there are additional penalties they can face as well. Some of these penalties include:

  • The death penalty. For particularly serious murders, some offenders may face the death penalty. This is the most severe punishment. While every state does not legalize the death penalty, Ohio does (although it is being reconsidered).
  • Prison or jail time. Serving prison or jail time is a common penalty for those convicted of violent crimes. The circumstances and the severity of the crime play a major factor in the amount of jail or prison time a person would serve.
  • Probation. Probation may be considered for first-time offenders or for less serious crimes. During probation, however, the person will have requirements they must complete, such as paying fines and regularly checking in with their probation officer.
  • Financial penalties. Violent crime convictions can bring fines as a penalty. The amount will likely depend on the severity of the crime. A person may also be required to pay restitution to the victims to cover damages, such as medical treatment needed as a result of the crime.
  • Criminal record. If a person is convicted of a violent crime, this will remain on their criminal record. Chances are, it will be a felony, which could potentially come with additional penalties later down the line, such as hindrances in securing housing, employment, or financial aid.

Violent Crime FAQs

Q: How Much Does a Criminal Defense Attorney Cost?

A: The cost of a criminal defense attorney depends on the factors of the case and how your attorney charges. Typically speaking, for more serious crimes or crimes that are more complex, the cost of the attorney will be higher than for simpler, less serious crimes. Also, some lawyers charge by the hour while others charge a flat fee. These fees will vary for each attorney.

Q: Where Does Cleveland Rank in Violent Crime?

A: Cleveland tends to be one of the cities in America that has a higher violent crime rate. It often ranks high in studies of high violent crime rates, such as homicide, assault, aggravated assault, and murder. However, crime rates fluctuate every year and can change often, so while Cleveland has historically ranked high with violent crime, it can change from year to year.

Q: Is Violent Behavior a Crime?

A: If violent behavior includes actions that are against the law, it may be considered a crime. Violent behavior includes robbery, rape, murder, assault, battery, and domestic abuse. Violent crimes usually entail the use or threat of physical force against another individual. Some acts of violence that may not be considered a crime include acts of self-defense, defending others, force by law enforcement, and contact sports, such as martial arts or boxing.

Q: What Are Some Penalties for Violent Crimes?

A: Some penalties for violent crimes include prison time, jail time, probation, fines, restitution, and a criminal record. A person can also be served with a restraining order forbidding them from coming into contact with the victim. Violent crime accusations can also have penalties that affect a person’s personal and professional life, such as strained relationships, job termination, or trouble finding employment or housing in the future.

Contact Fortress Law Group, LLC, Today

If you or someone you know has been accused of a violent crime, you do not have to go through the process alone. Fortress Law Group, LLC, can help. Contact us today for more information.